
Spring in the valleys of noise

Spring is alovely season we like to enjoy as often as possible, preferably in as many locations as possible. Yesterday we took a walk in the surroundings of the village of Asperen, near the river Linge. Asperen is a pretty little town, with a beautiful medieval church and stately houses. It reminds me of the town of my youth hero Swiebertje. Possibly very boring, but a nice break from my beloved but perrenially dirty and chaotic Amsterdam

Polder scene below Linge dike

Though winter was pleasant enough, it's great to be able to walk without a coat on, smell the land that has been broken open by ploughs and covered in manure. The trees are full of blossom and hum with the sound of the many bees seeing to it that we'll have cherries and apples in a couple of months.

Blossom and bees, root of all live

How well folks live in these parts, plenty of space and fresh air, contact with nature and it's quiet. Many people like us go there to flee the masses in the city for a couple of hours. They go there for walking, fishing, hiking, rowing or cycling. You can watch birds or simply picknick and nap and forget about the daily ratrace a bit.

The river Linge is contained by pretty meandering dikes

One hears the sounds of many birds, some nice and beautiful, others less so. Especially geese seem to be in a constant state of hysterical agitation in this season of mating and breeding. After a while one becomes aware of a droning sound coming near. This sound is not organic but mechanical and with a pang of dissapointent one is reminded that motor riders seem to enjoy riding along river dikes as much as all other natural environments. Yesterday we mostly saw pairs, but they are scouts, reconnoitring the territory. Soon they will be back in throngs like wild rats.

Heralds of a noisy summer

Since a couple of decades, motor riding has seen a staggering rise in popularity. Marketing techniques have succesfullly appealed to a broad class of people. Not only guys in midlife crises saw a way out of the drag of their lives of an office clerk or a sales rep in the persona of the lone, leather clad, individualist biker. People from all age groups and both sexes enjoy biking, which wouldn't be a problem at all, if they would have stick to the individualist part of the image. But most people prefer to flock in herds and that's why it's not unusual to encounter many groups of up to 100 motorcycles celebrating their individualism en masse, waving a banner of engine sound as long as kilomtres through the landscape.

The animals who inspired the motorized herds

Though I like the sound of -an individual- Harley Davidson pan head every now and then, I think many will agree that stumbling across large groups of bikers in the last beautiful and relatively empty and quiet spots of our small country, is just wrong. Of all the ways of enjoying leisure time in a natural environment, theirs is spoiling it for all others because of their horrible noise. Which doens't mean the Baskadiyarlar team approves of jet ski's.

That's why I think there should be laws banning motor groups bigger than 2 from the last spots in our country where people seek some peace and quiet. Maybe there could a exception for one sunday afternoon in the month, but the present situation should definitely change. I invite all readers to think about a solution to this problem. Maybe electric bikes, om which the riders can hear the roar of a Harley on their headphones. I'm sure the Chinese can come up with such a thing in no time. They have their noise, be it privately to themselves, the others have less noise for better enjoyment. Everybody happy!

A frog swingers club in full swing

Those bikers miss out on a lot of details, spring has such funny scenes, about procreation, life and death, some pretty horny.

Frog contemplating the fruits of his tireless shagging

The Baskadiyar-team wishes to state that none of the portrayed animals were killed by motorcycles.


Jaap said...

We, from www.reigerrijders.nl, love to ride together. And we love nature. And quietness (sometimes). But the idea of max 2 bikes riding, is ridiculous!

Willem said...

Wie denk je wel dat je bent, met je 'wetten' tegen groepen motorrijders? Hou er maar rekening mee dat we binnenkort weer overal zullen rijden waar we maar willen, alleen of met z'n 200-en. Niemand kan ons vertellen wat me wel en niet mogen!

Eenzame Fietser said...

'Reigerrijders' is een goed gekozen naam. Vieze vuile vogels, die veel herrie maken en de boel onderschijten. De analogie (moeilijk woordje, zoek even op) reigerkolonie en motorclub is niet ver gezocht, een luidruchtige, ongemanierde, vervuilende bende!

Anonymous said...

Onvoorstelbaar dat je zoiets bedenken kunt

Unknown said...

"Live and let live!" If you can't give your fellow human the space he needs, then maybe, just maybe, you're not human.
You (maybe me) want to enjoy nature in silence, another one on his motorcycle. Who desides what is wrong? Democracy is evil itself if we deside to think motorcyclists are "bad", evenso if motorcyclists can get YOU banned out because they want the road for themselves.
Live and let live.

p.s. maybe, just maybe, it was too long ago for a decent war. We got so confused that we argue eachother in a nitpicking way.....

Anonymous said...

Het ideoloog van een boomknufferlaar, hoe kan je het bedenken.

Anonymous said...

dussss... ik vind dat internet en het bloggen hierop eigenlijk alleen gedaan zou mogen worden door mensen met een fatsoenlijk stel hersenen. stel je voor dat onze kinderen en een ieder door dit soort gedachtengangen beinvloed zouden kunnen worden zeg.
geen motoren meer op de dijk, dan ook geen geiten meer op internet...
hop hop beeeeh beeeh en blijf weg!

Anonymous said...

trek maar senl je geitenwollen sokken aan en verkas naar het regenwoud, kun je heerlijk genieten van je natuur zonder dat je last hebt van die herrieschoppende wegenbevuilers

gaan wij weer doen waar wij van houden. lekker genieten van de vrijheid en de natuur op onze motoren.

Anonymous said...

nee, niemand is het met je eens.

zoek een bos op verder van de grote weg. en verblijf daar lekker. niemand last van jou, en jij van niemand.

Anonymous said...

jij bent er zeker ook zo eentje die klagend bij de boer aankomt omdat hij z'n trekker met haspel nog na etenstijd aan heeft staan?

als je je stoort aan lawaai, ga dan elders wonen. beetje tolerantie is ver te zoeken

Harry van dijk said...

It's funny how you, living in a concrete jungle feel you're the one who should open his mouth about protecting nature in an area you don't even get to visit that often.

Fact of the matter is Holland is a very densely populated, some might even argue overpopulated little country. It's so full that every area you claim to be so quiet and peaceful is in fact lent or leased right up to the last milimeter to many seperate individuals and/or companies. It's just a matter of time until some corporation or club/society/road constructor decides to turn your precious area into yet another industrial zone or some other kind of developement project.

The people you're blaiming for that noise pollution suffer the same problem you do. Only they've found other ways to escape from everyday life. You like to stare at frogs, they like to ride. You have a lot in common. Therefore blaiming them for their noise pollution is just as irratic as them blaiming you for being a rainbow warrior climbing the barricades for frog rights only to return to the concrete jungle you live in on mondays.

Seriously. If you cant take the overcrowdedness any longer, i strongly suggest you either emigrate, or spend the rest of your life miserable and complaining about anything and everything that annoys you.

Ben said...

Kudos for demonstrating how easy it is to piss off a bunch of bikers who probably need their big machines to compensate for something small. Btw, lover the idea of electric motorbikes and headphones for added noise.